This magazine article is an interview with Khalil Ahmed and focuses on the impacts of climate change to the lives of those in Asia. I tried various designs, all of them focusing on either the effects of climate change or the environment that we are trying to save.
The first design idea used a double page spread to show the environment and the pollution that is causing the problems. Having them on opposite sides of the page shows the contrast well I think, though with the text about the person being interviewed it did cover the image on the left a bit more than I wanted.

The second idea built on that idea of the first design with using the two images in contrast but made them larger features and made it into two double pages. This gave the text more room to breathe and meant that the green box could go alongside the image rather than covering it.

The third idea was my favourite from the start. I used the rainforest image and included the text on top of it but more spread out. I also found a smaller image to use on the second page, I like the contrast between the colours, the bright yellows stand out on the page in the image of protesters. I feel that this image worked better with the content of the article as well, it's about the people not just the planet and the pollution.

In the fourth idea I tried to combine images of the environment that people would recognise, things like the rainforest and icebergs, that are used regularly to show environmental damage and what we could use. Alongside the images of pollution and protesters I liked the way it tells a story with images as well as the text. I think it was a bit dark overall with the dark green, I'd probably do it with a white background, or a lighter green, if I had worked on it more.

I like the way the final chosen design fits on the page and looks as a double page spread. I think that it was the best choice with a combination of the whole page photo and the white background making it easy to read, giving the text space, but also adding to the text rather than taking the focus away from it.