The brief for this project was to create an A4 flyer, initially double sided or single sided, to advertise the services and work of the Amnick Graphic Design Team. As the initial idea was to include some work from the team the first design ideas were double sided and had a small portfolio on the back with design examples. It was decided not to go with this style and stick with a single sided design.
One of the initial ideas was to have an A4 sheet folded in half so it becomes four A5 sides, this original design idea included a mini portfolio with designs from each of us in the middle when unfolded.

The single sided design ideas used the designs I created for the double sided original idea, but removed the portfolio aspect on the back to become more of a poster style that could be put up if needed, but also used as a digital version for social media.

This final design is the one that was chosen and worked on further, adding the proper text in place of the placeholder and adding the company details. As a group it was decided that the text in the services section meant more detail and examples could be included and the box surrounding the magazine design section made it more obviously a separate part.
I think this final design works well, though I would work on the layout of the about us section a bit more if I had more time. I feel that it's clear and easy to read, and it was used to make the social media posts for the group as well, setting the colour theme and look of the social media posts as well as the information.