As part of a course we were tasked with creating an animation using layers from a file imported from either Photoshop or Illustrator. We were asked to either use the files provided or create our own.
As Halloween is coming up I decided to source more Halloween themed images, these are either from (the animals and the background) or from Adobe Stock images (the branch).
The task was to use various effects and have the objects appear that they are moving within the image. I used the layers to make the stars twinkle, the moon move and the bat and spider move.
As this was such a fast project I feel that I'm happy with the final outcome, I would prefer to have used my own images, but with the turnaround and time available I felt this wouldn't be possible. If this was a paid project I would create my own illustrations, but I think these work really well and turned out how I imagined it when I found the images. There's a couple of small things I'd change if I was doing the project over, but I like the final gif and think it works.