I created a composite of multiple images to be used on the cover of a digital magazine. I used royalty free images and combined them in Photoshop, the photos are all from Unsplash and the network looking image is from Freepik.com.
The keywords for the project were: Environment, Transport, Smart Cities, Technology, Cyber Security and Innovation. It was also incoluded in the brief that there should be human interaction in the image and that it should not be simply a night time image of a city as some members of the board found that image style overused when discussing smart cities.
Another thing to consider with this image was that it would be used as part of a magazine cover, so only the middle section would be used and the layout had to be suitable for the title above and the articles to be placed around the main part of the image in clear space.

I feel that the main image I chose was one that isn't too night time, it's dusk and the colours in it made it more eye catching to me. The woman in the original image is looking towards the city, rather than at the reader, so I was asked to replace her with someone smiling at the reader. I found the image of the smiling woman and thought the colour of her top would fit well within the colour palette of the original image after I had worked on the colour levels to make it more eye-catching.
Adding the hand with the phone, copying the image in and changing the scale to fit the way it would look on a screen, and the network symbols added the technology and innovation keywords. It felt too busy so I added the blur in the background so the technology is the focus and it stands out more against the city behind.

There are parts of the image I will be working on to tidy up before it is the final version, though I think that the overall image works well and fits in the design brief I was given.